
Problème d'accès à votre routeur ? Guide complet pour Apprendre à configurer votre modem grâce à l'adresse (ou During this early proof of concept phase, HITRON intercepted and stopped all five go-fasts they encountered, stopping 2,640 pounds (1,197 kg) of cocaine, and 7,000 pounds (3,175 kg) of marijuana with an estimated street value of over US$100 million, with all 17 suspects arrested. Due to their outstanding success during the test and evaluation stage, the HITRON program was validated and Administrer sa box Lorsque vous saisissez l'adresse (ou dans votre navigateur, la page d'administration de votre box doit s'ouvrir. Uruchom przeglądarkę internetową i jako adres strony wpisz Zaloguj się (wielkość wpisywanych liter ma znaczenie): w polu Nazwa użytkownika wpisz admin; w polu Hasło wpisz admin. Wybierz z górnego menu zakładkę WIFI (1), a następnie WPS I BEZPIECZEŃSTWO (2). Zmień status na włącz (3) w polu WPS.

Jul 13, 2017 Open a web browser and key in in the address bar and press Enter. Enter the following default settings to access the modem 

Also read: Login Page, Password Reset and WiFi Settings. In most of the routers, the default ip Address dedicated to open the Settings of the router is 192.168.0. 1 but sometimes it may also vary depending from router to router as most of the tp Link routers come up with but on the other hand the D link routers come up with Die 0.2 ist etwas verkehrt. Setze den Router zurück (Resetknopf auf der Rückseite für 10 Sekunden drücken) und konfiguriere den Router korrekt, indem du die IP des 615 auf z.B. stellst, erst danach verbindest du ein Kabel von einem LAN-Port des Hitron auf den Internet-Port des 615. Para entrar en las configuraciones de un router HITRON; será necesario abrir el navegador y colocar «», para que cargue la interfaz del aparato. Como se puede observar en la siguiente foto; te solicitará un nombre de usuario y contraseña, deberás jugar con las siguientes combinaciones para saber cual es la que usa tu modem. In the address bar, type in the following: and press the enter key on your keyboard. You will be presented with a Hitron login page. Login with your credentials: Hitron CGNM-2250 1. Username: cusadmin 2. Password: Located on the white sticker on the top or side of your modem.


Dans votre fenêtre de recherche web, inscrivez l’adresse URL et pressez sur entrer. Dans l’écran d’accueil Hitron, inscrivez le Nom d’utilisateur cusadmin; Dans le champ mot de passe, inscrivez Cogeco1! Note: Il est possible que votre mot de passe soit l’un des suivant: password Hitron CGNM3552/CGN3ACR/CGN3 This article will help you set a different WiFi password or connect a new device and you can’t remember your current WiFi password. NOTE: Mascon labels all routers we install with the current user/password, we can also manage your router remotely so if preferred you can contact Mascon Tech support for help managing 本例中192.168.0.1才是路由器的真正登錄ip位址了。現在需要在瀏覽器中輸入192.168.0.1,才能打開路由器的設置頁面了。 3、重置路由器. 有時候路由器會出現死機、不穩定等現象,也會導致打不開192.168.1.1登錄介面。 Hitron Technologies Passwords (valid as of January 2020) This is a complete list of user names and passwords for Hitron Technologies routers. How To Login to a Hitron Technologies Router. Most routers have a web interface. This means that in order to login to them you start with your web browser. is not opening or keeps on loading because your router may support different gateway IP address. Try, or 192.168.l.l is commonly used to login to router settings, however it is typo. The correct IP address is Restart your PC and reset your router to resolve this issue. 02/09/2011 · They gave me a Hitron CGN3 for free but it starts up in an Easy Connect mode that forces me to use Wi-Fi. I have no use or desire to have wi-fi and prefer to stick to a wired connection. The User Name and P/W printed on the back of the modem also come up as invalid. 20/03/2012 · 最近個人買了 智慧型手機~由於有WIFI 因而到很甘心的3C賣場買了 一台無線網路分享器 sapid(傻多) 網站:www.sapidotech.com 型號:RB1802 一開始個人步驟是 ADSL數據機上 4個接頭 其中一條接頭 接去分享器上的WAN 並插上電源 與按下重置鍵 電源 WAN 與 無線訊號燈 都有顯示 而在電腦瀏覽器網址上輸入 就

Mar 6, 2019 On your browser, enter into the address bar. In your keyboard press Enter. On Hitron's login page, sign in using the following:.

Adresse Aide pour se connecter et configurer les adresses 192.168 avec une box internet ou un routeur sur un reseau prive (LAN). Le routeur possède alors par défaut l'adresse et affecte aux machines du réseau les adresses à Notez que ceci n'est nullement une obligation, il s'agit d'un Hitron is a worldwide provider of networking products and offers customers the most value to meet their business and customer’s needs. is not opening or keeps on loading because your router may support different gateway IP address. Try, or 192.168.l.l is commonly used to login to router settings, however it is typo. The correct IP address is Restart your PC and reset your router to resolve this issue.

Jul 13, 2017 Open a web browser and key in in the address bar and press Enter. Enter the following default settings to access the modem  We need to know the Internal IP Address of your Hitron CGNM-2250 router before we can login to it. Hitron CGNM-2250 IP Addresses. If you did not  Mar 6, 2019 On your browser, enter into the address bar. In your keyboard press Enter. On Hitron's login page, sign in using the following:.